Sunday, February 5, 2012

Episode 2-Sam I Am


Sam I Am

E was lead through the main Bier brewery and home office in New York, New York.

This was strange, to say the least, because she had been told to meet them at their home at 2:30 PM to discuss her assignment and duties.

She had put the address given to her into her GPS, and it brought her here.  Now a very large black security guard led her through the main brewery.

“Excuse me, are you sure I’m in the right place?” E asked the large man.

The large machinery made it hard to talk, “What?”

“Are you sure I’m in the right place?  I was supposed to meet them at their home, sir.” E yelled back to him to be heard.

“Curtis.” The large man said.

“What?” E asked, confused as to how that would answer her question.

“That’s my name.” The big man said and turned his head backward revealing a big toothy grin.  “And yeah, you in the right place.”

At the other end of the brewery, Curtis stopped at a strangely located elevator in the middle of nowhere.  It dinged and the doors opened.  E just stared in disbelief.

Curtis chuckled to himself at her reaction and motioned for her to get on.

“You have got to be kidding me.” E said looking at Curtis.

“No,” Curtis said.  “But don’t it seem like I should be?”

With that, Curtis walked back toward the way he had come.  E took a deep breath and got on the elevator.

The elevator only had one button.

E shook her head.  “Who do these guys think they are; Batman and Robin?”

She pressed the button and the elevator lurched into motion taking her up.


The elevator stopped and the music was already deafening.

The doors opened into a huge, high-ceilinged living center.  There was a huge bar on the other side of the giant room and literally hundreds of people in between.  Music shook the place, some high end, techno/rap/rock garbage.

The place was like a dance club.

E looked at her watch again to make sure that, yes, it was indeed 2:30 in the afternoon.

It was.

She took a deep breath and considered pressing the elevator’s one button and walking right out the way she came in.  Instead, she decided to press on.

Moving through the insane cloud of dancing twenty something’s she moved toward the bar.  Hopefully the bartender would know where to find Sam or Karl.  For what seemed like forever, she swam through the crowd until she reached the bar on the other side.

Crashing onto the bar, briefcase in hand, now disheveled from the dance party assault, she exhaled and flagged down a bartender.

“What you drinking, hun?” The mildly attractive female bartender asked.

E frowned.  “It’s 2:30 in the afternoon, do you realize that?”

The bartender just chuckled.  “It’s always at least five at Sam’s place babe, so what are you drinking?”

E shook her head.  “I’m not drinking anything.  I am supposed to be meeting Sam and Karl Bier.  I have an appointment.”

The bartender shrugged.  “Well, Karl doesn’t usually show to these parties till later.  And Sam is around here somewhere.  Now if you’re not getting anything, you need to make room for paying customers.”

“She will have a glass of champagne, Courtney.” A male voice suddenly made E’s non-existent order for her.

The bartender, known as Courtney, smiled and nodded walking off to prepare the order.

“Now hold on, I said I’m not ordering!”  E called after the bartender, but got no response.

She was furious at this entire ridiculous scenario.  She turned angrily to see that standing next to her in a blue pin stripe suit and a loose black tie, was none other than Sam Bier.

“Oh, I’m sorry did I call that wrong?” Sam asked as he looked her over again.  “It’s just you’re wearing that form fitting business suit, but you have that big coat over it, which screams to me that you know you’re hot but not sloppy.  Honesty, I would have figured you for a wine drinker but we don’t have any of that here.”

E pointed at him.  “You’re Sam Bier.”

He grinned.  “Well, if you say so.”

E frowned.  “We had an appointment today.”

Sam raised an eyebrow in confusion.  “We did?”

E nodded as her drink was put in front of her and another pint of beer in a long pilsner was placed in front of Sam.

Sam suddenly smiled and placed one hand on her hip.  “Well then, what kind of appointment was it?”

E slapped the top of his hand and he recoiled like a pouting child.  “It certainly wasn’t that kind!”

Sam stopped pouting.  “What was it then?  Do I owe you money?”

“I’m the new translator!” E screamed.  “And this has got to be the most unprofessional meeting I have been to.  I have never been more insulted in my life.  It is 2:30 in the afternoon, and you literally have a dance club in your house, which is above your brewery!  This is beyond ridiculous; you should be ashamed of yourself.  How does your business stay afloat like this?!  How do you do business in these kind of conditions?!”

Sam shrugged.  “You’d be amazed how many of the partners love this kind of thing.”

E stared at him.  “Are you kidding me?!”

She screamed this last part and when she did it was timed in between songs.  Everyone in the place stopped and looked at her and she suddenly felt very embarrassed.

Sam raised both hands.  “Alright, obviously we got off to the wrong foot.”

Sam snapped his fingers and gestured and suddenly somebody took E’s coat and another took her briefcase.  “So how about you take off the coat and relax?”

Sam stepped in very close, making perfect eye contact and E couldn’t help but be attracted.  She wasn’t sure if it was the over the top situation or how good Sam looked, but she was caught by his charm.

“Now,” Sam said.  “Why don’t you have a drink of the champagne?”

Everyone in the club was still watching them and E had never felt stranger in her life. What was she going to do, refuse?

She drank the champagne and it was good.  Damn good.

She turned back to the crowd.  “MMM, good”

The entire crowd exploded with celebration, the music kicked on and they were again dancing.

“Aww look, you made them so happy,” Sam jested.

She thought, ‘what the hell’ and finished the glass.  “Where’s your brother?”

Sam shrugged.  “Probably off trying to break the world chin up record or something.”

The bartender put another glass in front of E.  “Well we should go somewhere and talk business.”

“Or,” Sam countered, “We could stay here and talk about the genetics that gave you those legs.”

E blushed and took another drink.  “You need to stop hitting on me.”

Sam smiled.  “You need to realize something…”

“What’s that?” She asked, taking another drink.

“I had you the minute I ordered for you.” Sam said with a confident grin.

“Is that right?” She asked shaking her head.

“Give it time.”


E’s eyes slowly opened.

Her eyelids felt heavy and weighed down by some invisible force.  At first all she could think about was how much her head hurt.

She realized she was not in her own bed and began to panic.  Her memory from the night before was foggy and slow to return.  As any drinker did at least once in their lives, she tried to retrace her steps leading throughout the night.

She remembered the ridiculous penthouse and the dance party in the middle of the afternoon.  She remembered the champagne, and then….

“Oh no.”  She whispered to herself and turned towards the other side of the bed.  Lying there, face down, but naked and ass in the air, snoring rather loudly was a man.

Not just any man.  It was Sam Bier.

E shook her head.  “Mother fucker.”

To Be Continued…

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