Sunday, February 19, 2012

Episode 3-The Good Son


The Good Son

E clutched the sheet to her chest in a panic and rolled backward out of bed, instinctively moving in the opposite direction of the naked Sam.  She crashed to the floor in a heap with a stifled yelp, more out of surprise than pain.

Realizing she had made a noise she peeked back over the side of the bed, worried she had woken Sam.  Sam however, still slept face down and ass in the wind.  She could tell from the loud snoring.

She wrapped the sheet around herself and held it closed with her left hand while she gathered her scattered clothes with the other.  She did this in a hurried rush.  Instead of putting them on there, she had an irrational need to get out of the room.

She tip-toed from the room as quietly as possible, still unsure how she managed to open the door without dropping her clothes or the silk sheet that covered her naked body. Once into the hallway she found herself even more confused, how the hell did she get out?

A wave of self loathing hit her as she realized she would be certainly fired for this excursion.

She picked a direction and did her best to move as quietly as possible.  As she came to the end of the hallway she squeaked as two men came around the corner.  The one was a huge man who looked to be of Asian descent.  He was dressed in a suit that looked too small for him, and although not as tall he had the build of Michael Clark Duncan.

The other man was dressed in a black turtle neck sweater and black jeans.  He had dark Middle-Eastern complexion and his hair was combed and well kept.

The big one frowned at her and stared with a cold intent.  The Middle-Eastern man stepped in front.  “Excuse my friend, he did not mean to scare you.”

The man’s voice was silky smooth and full of charisma.  E just blushed and laughed in embarrassment. “No, no, he’s fine I’m just… trying to find the bathroom?”

The man’s lip curled in a sultry half smile.  “Of course.  It’s down the stairs and along the far wall in the main dance room.”

E nodded.  “Thank you,”

“Be careful, my dear,” He said as she edged past the two men.  “It is like a slumber party down there.  Mind your footing.”

She smiled again.  “Thank you, again.”


 The elevator dinged and the doors slid open, revealing the aftermath of a night of debauchery.  People lay everywhere, only half of them clothed.  Most had passed out where their bodies had given out against the endless supply of alcohol they had put into them.

Plastic cups and empty pint glasses decorated the main room, rolling across the floor and on the tables and couches.

Karl sighed as he beheld the scene.  He had only left Sam home alone for one night.

Slowly he found his way through the bodies and trash, only once stepping in a puddle of an unknown liquid.  He found his way to the bar, stepping behind it he found the coffee pot on and a note taped to the front.


It wasn’t as bad as it looks.

I made sure Sam didn’t break any laws.

Set the coffee pot to have a fresh brew for you.

I know how much you like your coffee.

I know how much Sam will need it.


Karl exhaled and pulled the pot free and began to pour himself some coffee as he turned back toward the room.

It was at that point he noticed the extremely beautiful woman making her way across the room with a sheet barely on her and a bundle of clothes.  She was so focused on moving through the crowd of drunks and party goers that she hadn’t noticed Karl behind the bar.

Karl grinned and placed the pot on the warmer before taking a drink.  The girl had gotten half way across the room when Karl decided to make his presence known.

“Rough night?” Karl asked.

The woman panicked and jerked in the direction of the voice.

When she turned she stepped on a sleeping man’s hand.  Hard.

He yowled in pain.

The woman screamed and stumbled, dropping the sheet as well as her clothes.  At the exact same time the two screams served to jar the room from its slumber.

This ended with the entire room staring at the blonde’s naked body.

The woman stood there for a second with everyone staring back.  Karl nodded as he looked her over and took another drink of his coffee.

The woman saw Karl behind the bar and held her tongue, she looked like she was about to cry.

“Best party ever.” One of the onlookers said.

The woman frowned and looked at Karl.  “May I use your bathroom?”

Karl had to grin.  “Sure, right over there.”

The woman followed Karl’s finger and nodded.  “Alright, thank you.”

She then strode across the floor and into the bathroom before slamming the door.

 Karl chuckled.  “Maybe I’m not going to hate this morning, after all.”

He then looked back to the onlookers.  “Party’s over.  Thanks for coming.  Ten on the elevator at a time.”


The last of the guests piled onto the elevator and the doors slid shut.  Karl smiled in the absence, finally having his place to himself.

He picked up the woman’s clothes and walked to the bathroom door knocking twice.  “They’re all gone, I have your clothes.”

There was a moment of silence then the door cracked open and her slender hand reached out to grab the outfit and pull it back into the bathroom.

After she shut the door again, Karl heard her voice through the door.  “Thank you.  I’m sorry about… earlier.”

Karl chuckled to himself.  “Nothing to apologize for, you made my day.”

There was a silence and Karl could hear her get dressed through the door.  “What’s your name, if you don’t mind me asking?”

“My name is Ethel Marion.  Most people call me E.”  She said.

Karl was confused, searching for where he had heard that name before.  It came to him, “Wait, you’re the new translator?”

“Ha!” She laughed and opened the door.  “After last night I will be lucky if I can still go back to my firm let alone have a job.  I have never been so unprofessional, and I’m sorry to waste your time.”

“Sam has that effect.”  Karl said with a shrug.  “Are you quitting?”

“No, you are firing me.” E said with a frown.

Karl was a taken aback.  “I am?”

“Aren’t you?” E asked, now confused herself.

Karl shook his head.  “No, not yet anyway.  We haven’t even had our interview yet.”

“But I was naked.  I woke up next your brother.  Why would you want to interview me?”  E was shocked.

Karl shrugged.  “You slept with Sam?  Points against.  Let’s hear your credentials.”

E pulled herself together but she was still flustered.  “I speak eight languages, they are the most common”

Karl looked surprised then turned to walk back toward the bar.  “Eight is impressive. Arabic?”

She nodded.  “Yes, it’s a little rusty but I can speak it.  I also know Russian, Spanish, Mandarin and Japanese in addition to some others.”

Karl picked up the coffee and took a drink.  “Smart and beautiful,”

She blushed.  “I suppose, you have already see me at my worst.”

Karl smiled at her.  “I can assure you it wasn’t your worst.”

Karl was an average height man, standing around six foot, with crew cut hair and a round face.  He was the most casually dressed business owner she had ever met, wearing faded blue jeans and a plain white tee shirt.  He was fit and built, with tone muscles that gave the impression that he worked out often.

E couldn’t help but feel attracted to him.  He was the opposite of his brother.  He stood tall and confident with a stone, hard cowboy feel to him.  It helped that he was cut.

“Rule one,” Karl said.  “You can’t sleep with Sam if you’re going to work for us.”

“Well, I kind of already-” She began to explain but Karl cut her off with a look of disgust.

“Yes, yes, that was your first slip.  Let’s make it your last.  I mean it.  Sam is trouble, stay away.” Karl said.

E Nodded.  “Alright.”

“Good,” Karl said.  “You’re going to have to stay here.  Will this be a problem?”

E Shook her head.  Most high end translator jobs required this, so she lived on a week to week basis apartment and packed light.  “No, of course not, will you need me to help with your meeting upstairs?”

Karl looked confused.  “Meeting upstairs?”

E nodded still pushing her hair around to try and make herself presentable.  “The Middle-Eastern and Asian men upstairs.”

Karl’s eyes narrowed.  “Asian?  Was he big?”

E curled her lip.  “Big is an understatement.”

Karl dropped the coffee and booked it for the stairs.  “Shit!”

E was confused.  “What’s wrong?”

“The Asian guy isn’t just Asian.  He’s Mongolian!” Karl yelled back.


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